Edesia Donations

Dec 21, 2023 11:49:23 AM Feast & Fettle

Access to good food and nourishment shouldn’t be a privilege, but it is. And since we’re fortunate enough to have more than we need, we’ve made it our mission to support those facing food insecurity and malnutrition—both globally and close to home.

Since 2019, we’ve partnered with Edesia, a Rhode Island-based non-profit that produces therapeutic food (Plumpy’nut) to treat malnourished children among the world’s most vulnerable communities. Over the years, Edesia has established renown as one of the world’s most impactful therapeutic food production facilities—having saved over 20 million lives across 62 countries as a result of their efforts.

For every F&F order placed, $1 is donated. Here’s a little more context as to how much of an impact the F&F community has had on Edesia’s cause.

1 order = $1 donated

$50 = 1 box of food

1 box = 1 life saved

$402k of F&F donations since 2019 = 8,040 children impacted